Archives: Idées et suggestions.

Discussion dans 'Le coin des utilisateurs' démarrée par Lhumain, 6 décembre 2013.

Chère utilisatrice, cher utilisateur,

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  1. ₪.ӒӃḔḸӒ.₪

    ₪.ӒӃḔḸӒ.₪ Pro du Forum

    Contre, on oublie pas la cristallisation svp !! ^^
  2. ₪.ӒӃḔḸӒ.₪

    ₪.ӒӃḔḸӒ.₪ Pro du Forum

    Pour, bonne idée !! Très bonne idée même.. :)
  3. zeldabella

    zeldabella Connaisseur du Forum

  4. Wafizariar

    Wafizariar Talent Exceptionnel

    D'accord aussi avec zelda ^^

    Voir une planche se co aussi c'est vite agréable^^
    Dernière modification: 25 avril 2014
  5. zeldabella

    zeldabella Connaisseur du Forum

    mdr wafi^^
  6. 乂ßŨŚĤПΛЙ乂

    乂ßŨŚĤПΛЙ乂 Auteur en herbe

  7. kulienator_31

    kulienator_31 Auteur en herbe

  8. kulienator_31

    kulienator_31 Auteur en herbe

  9. kulienator_31

    kulienator_31 Auteur en herbe

  10. kulienator_31

    kulienator_31 Auteur en herbe

    je suis pour
  11. kulienator_31

    kulienator_31 Auteur en herbe

    je suis pour
  12. kulienator_31

    kulienator_31 Auteur en herbe

    je suis pour
  13. Lintrépide78

    Lintrépide78 Vieux cacique

    mon pseudo sur l'eau est le même que celui du forum ^^
  14. olafkashe

    olafkashe Petit nouveau

    1. e-Sim is a Massively Multiplayer Online Game developed as a browser game in which you are called to assume the role of a player of eWorld, a new world which is completely run by players and not influenced by external agents (Admin)!

    2. The game is divided into 4 modules, in which the player can empathize to enrich his own gaming experience:


    4. Economics:

    5. - The possibility to work as a civil servant or as an employee, receaving a daily wage based on your own Economy Skill which increases every day you work;


    7. - The possibility to give work to other players creating up to 14 different kind of companies of several Qualities (1 to 5), they are subdivided between raw materials companies or manifactured products ones;


    9. -The possibility to manage several companies, along other players, through the creation of a Stock Company and selling shares, at the price that you want, to players throughout the world;


    11.- The possibility to sell products on each of the 52 international markets (one for each nation) or through contracts (module very useful especially for small business owners);


    13.-The possibility to buy or to sell currency from other players or the same Nations, in order to have enough money to fulfill your interests;


    15.- The possibility to buy and to sell companies and Military Equipments, throught auctions completely run by players;




    19.- The possibility to create, manage and join political parties, real group with well-defined ideals;


    21.- The possibility to compete each month to the office of Congressman (member of Parliament), issuing and voting economic / military laws for the wealth of the nation;


    23.- The possibility to compete each month to the office of Country Presidente (Prime Minister), issuing special laws, declaring war or stipulating agreements with other States;


    25.- The possibility to join the Government of each new Country President, devoting himself to the multiple ministirial roles, for the wealth of the nation;




    29.- The possibility to fight in conquering and defensive battles of the own country or of Allied, increasing your Military Grade (over 40!) and individual and national glory;


    31.- The possibility to obtain and create new Military Equipments which increase your military power;


    33.- the possibility to start resistance wars in occupied regions or Civil wars in nations managed by tyrants or incompetent CP;


    35.-The possibility to join real armies, called Military Units, divided in 4 diffrenet levels (Novice, Regular, Veteran, Elite), having different personal damage bonus;


    37.- The possibility to take part in international tournements and events, getting rich and unusual prizes;


    39.- The possibility to coordinate yourself with other players in order to achieve victories and to get special equipments;




    43.- The possibility to manage your own journal, publishing articles in every Nations of eWorld;


    45.- The possibility to meet players of your country or of the World, talking with them about topics related to the game or simply discovering customs and traditions of other people


    47.- The possibility to share your experiece with friend via Facebook or inviting them to join the game in order to earn a small percentage of their income (Without getting off anything to them!)


    49.- The possibility to obtain 12 different Medals and more than 150 different Achievements;


    51.- The possibility to change your citizenship to get several advantages;


    53.- The possibility to complete more than 70 different missions, receiving useful rewars for a quick development of your character;







    60.These modules make e-Sim to all intents and purposes a Competitive Online Role Playing Game and they are all combined by one thing: Golds. Gold are the game's "extra" money and they are necessary to most parts of the actions (create companies, Parties, newspapers, buying Equipments, buying money, etc) and they can collected in many ways (by levelling up, sending anything, gaining medals, etc).

    61.Golds can be bought with € but I can guarantee that there's not a large gap between who buys Golds and doesn't buy them, since the advantage is not as great as you can guess.


    63.The graphics is very light and it allows a greay playability to slower connections too or to whom prefers to play tablet or smartphone (I have played always and only with my Samsung galaxy Wonder and this didn't impede me to become one of the powerful players in the eWorld!).

    64.Moreover, the game has been completely translated by an italian players team but it's possible to change the language between more than 30 available languages.


    66.But let's talk about important things: France!

    67.France is one of the nation's oldest and most influential in the game!


    72.With this message I invite you to join to the Frech Empire, making great the Glory and the Honor of our Country to the detriment of the foreign power: one day you could lead France!


    74.Lastly, I ask you to sign up following this link in such a way you can earn 2 extra Golds when you will reach level 7 (it's usally reachable in the second gaming day!).


    76.Best regards Puskis

  15. (-MONKEY-D-LUFFY-)

    (-MONKEY-D-LUFFY-) Pilier du Forum

    Pour meme les remaitre dans le chaudron avant on shouter du 3000 au creux et la du 6000 voir plus et les carte que nous avont la sont trop simple que les ancienne etait plus dur
  16. (-MONKEY-D-LUFFY-)

    (-MONKEY-D-LUFFY-) Pilier du Forum

    Pour meme les remaitre dans le chaudron avant on shouter du 3000 au creux et la du 6000 voir plus et les carte que nous avont la sont trop simple que les ancienne etait plus dur
  17. (-MONKEY-D-LUFFY-)

    (-MONKEY-D-LUFFY-) Pilier du Forum

    Pour sa serait pas mal
  18. (-MONKEY-D-LUFFY-)

    (-MONKEY-D-LUFFY-) Pilier du Forum

    Pour il a pas asser de place entre les boulet poudre plaque amulette fuser etc....
  19. Contre certes j aime l idée de remettre ces designs mais pas pour quelques perles ou un peu d'or il faudrai un evenement pour cela il y a certains designs de collection comme le ghost killi le bombus et tous cela mais meme si ils ne sont pas important que ca pour toi tu voudrais juste les posséder mais pas pr 50 000 perles autant refaire un event "old school" un truc comme ca =D
  20. Paragon29

    Paragon29 Pro du Forum

    bonjour à tous,

    une petite idée m'est venu en scintilllant :D

    L'idée est simple, on reçoit un % de perles en plus tous les x temps.
    Par exemple 2% tous les mois. Avec 2000 perles, on aurait en plus à la fin du mois 40 perles.
    Ce taux serait régressif en fonction du montant de perles que l'on possède car on imagine bien qu'avec 4 millions, 2% cela représente une jolie somme ^^
    Il faudrait donc créer des tranches où chacune auraient un taux d'intérêt.

    1à 10 000 perles : 2%
    10 à 100 000: 1.5%
    100 000 à 200 000: 1%
    200 000 à 300 000: 0.5%
    300 à 500 000: 0.25%
    500 000 à 1 000 000: 0.2%
    + 1 000 000: 0.1%

    C'est un exemple, mais vous avez compris l'idée :D

    Je ne pense pas que ça soit dans l'intérêt de BP, mais on peut toujours tenter ^^

    Bon jeux les gens